The twenty-somethings of today are tomorrow's eccentric Cat Ladies!

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Jen & Mark & Megan's Olympic Weekend the Second!

Sooooooo finally have some time before class to post about our grand skiing adventure! I wanted to put more pictures up but blogger won't let me... I think it's the internet's way of saying, "we can't take any more megan!" So be it! These will have to suffice. SO these pictures make it look like all we did was put on goggles and hug each other, but I swear there was some skiing involved as well. We even made some videos, which I'm going to send to mark so he can put them on his site and everyone will be able to see our mad skills!

Jen and Mark got some lovin'...

...and I got some chocolate! That's kind of like lovin, but with fewer germs.

Jiggly subway ride home...

We were happy to learn that after our efforts on the mountain, Canada won a gold medal in women's moguls! You might think those two events are independent of each other, but you'd be wrong! Jen tore up the slopes at Blue Mountain... Jennifer Heil simultaneously tore up the slopes in Torino (!). Coincidence? That's unpossible.

We tried to bring Canada another gold by going skating on Sunday in Nathan Pillips Square, but I guess that kind of long-distance magic can only happen once a weekend.

Thus concludes our Olympic weekend... although I haven't even mentioned our long-distance event on Friday night (trying to find Jen's friend's party, which turned out to be worth it in the end, due to crepes, wine, and fun people!). Hopefully you will be able to watch Olympic Weekend: The Movie soon!

Sooo... I cannot resist posting without mentioning today's extra burden of that scamp, Valentine. The good news: I woke up with Tycho (love of my life), ate Frosted Flakes (food of my life), and spent the morning looking at pictures of Jen & Mark (friends of my life!). Nobody rides the bitter bus in this room! Besides, I am truly, madly, deeply in love with the necklace I'm wearing today, and a girl can take only so many hormones at once. Yes, I'm wearing a black shirt, which might seem predictable, but it's only to underscore the necklace! Hopefully I will radiate beyond the somber colours on my back. I've even done the bronwyn brock signature hairstyle!

So today is class-bookstore-class-drinking, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I even made a lovesong playlist on my iPod. (and by "made," I mean "stole from Jen and modified")

Giant hugs and kisses to everyone I love today... and stinging high-fives to people I feel lukewarm about...

Just kidding! I love everyone!


Blogger Jen said...

I too am wearing a black shirt! and a black sweater! But it's just to contrast the awesome new understuff I gots myself yesterday!!

Stinging high fives AND Hugs AND Kisses!

1:32 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Megs... :)

I love your new blog! very cool...

- G

7:35 PM


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