The twenty-somethings of today are tomorrow's eccentric Cat Ladies!

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

The fated phone call...

SO I finally got my guts all primed and ready to call Wayson again - last time was long before Christmas, the phone trembling in my fingers, and he sounds so gentle even over the wires, but I still swoon like a preteen at the red carpet's roped-off edge while Elijah waves from the limo... this time I got myself all set up, glass of milk, cat, stress ball... got his answering machine, but I think I handled it well, I breathed confidence after the beep and it's the kind of message he'll hear and think, I must call her, she was fabulous. Wayson uses the word fabulous a lot, he even does the classic little flip of the wrist to boot, it kills me. Now I wait for him to call back. I googled him and it looks like he might be on a book tour right now, but the details are fuzzy, so every time the phone rings I will be nervous and when it's done and I have a date set up with him I will be euphoric. I will have the Wayson feeling that I first got as a lightening bolt through my spine at Humber, running like mad down the path between his office and my residence only because walking was far too banal an activity for the moment. That's how he makes me feel. Walking back to the subway after I visited his house the last time, that mocha ice cream taste still in my mouth, his kiss still on my cheek and my shoulders still thrilling where he squeezed them, I could hardly stay on the concrete, I felt like being up there with the telephone wires and flags, just snapping in the wind with the urgent joy of it all - Wayson reading my writing, caring about what I write, and where I got to write it - he was a champion for grad school as well. The problem is that he said next time we meet he wants to see several consecutive chapters of Once They've Gone and unless I stop seeing that one friend of mine and put the rest of school on hold I don't think I can deliver, BUT I have got other stuff to show him, and I think I can impress him nonetheless.

Silence from the phone.

Ring dammit, ring!

Three days until J&M!!!

Also I got an email from another Concordia MA student today who wrote long and hard about how great the program is, and one of her chief selling points, repeated at least four times, was that people usually go to the pub after workshops. WHERE DO I SIGN???


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If its like here at Western "usually go to the pubs" really means "always go to the pubs...but we say 'usually' just so people don't think we're alcoholics."

O grad school, how I love thee!

9:25 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

and the best thing about going to pubs in grad school is the the supervisors usually pay. i think i've paid for one or two pitchers in the last two years of (most) friday afternoons at the grad pub...

4:24 PM

Blogger Jen said...

I'm sorry I'm monopolizing you (Toronto-opoly)! But Mark has lots to do this weekend too, so maybe we can schedule some serious time into out funtastic weekend!

3:12 PM


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