The twenty-somethings of today are tomorrow's eccentric Cat Ladies!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Some things you do for money, and some you do for love

And heaven knows I'm not going to Concordia for the money...

Yesterday I taught my first tutorial section! It was all thrown at me at the last minute because the other guy working for my prof had a conflict yesterday, so we switched (which means free beer for me!). It was obvious that one of us was going to be mad at the other for getting stuck with the "deadbeats," but that's not me, because my shiny new tutorial group is fabulous! They were there for their first class on their first day of university. Hopefully that means they will remember me for years to come in a Dead Poet's kind of way. I didn't make them stand on their desks or recite Whitman, but I did assign us a mascot (Kermit the Frog) and we have a group cheer in the works. That way whenever someone from our tutorial section (Section of Awesome) contributes in the actual class lecture, the rest of us can sound the cheer. It might be distracting for the prof but he did tell me to do whatever I want in the name of learning and participation. I have twenty-six young'uns to mould in my image and it all started off soooo well... I played the Megan-original poetry game with them and they were all eager and enthusiastic, and I even know some of their names already, and I had them fill out a questionnaire to give back to me about their likes/dislikes/favourite things/hated things etc and some of them gave hilarious answers, and they seem like a cool bunch of munch(kins). There is even one girl who quoted Mystery Science Theatre 3000 as one of her favourite shows! A+.

Today: first writing workshop of the year. I'm more excited than nervous, which I hope is a good sign and not just a blind spot in my emotional landscape. As a reward for a day well taught yesterday, I took Mom's/Jen's advice and saw Little Miss Sunshine, which was as good as they say! The guy sitting in front of me hated it and told me so as we were leaving but I didn't let him ruin my Sufjan-Steve Carell-feel-good high which got me all the way home to Gascon with a big smile. Also every time I see the teaser (different from the trailer) for Marie Antoinette I feel such a weird mixed feeling of intrigue and haunting... something about the way the whole trailer is silent except for that song (is the The Cure?) makes it so strange and effective. It also really makes me want to see it, so I guess it works! (And that big shot Chateau Versailles? I've been there!!!)

Tycho just dipped his paw in my oatmeal. Is it still safe to eat?


Blogger Jen said...

Aww, you sound like the cutest TA ever :) I'm sure they're going to love you - but what will you do when faced with the grading dilemma?! I hope they're all brilliant and make your life easy.

I deem your oatmeal safe to eat, except that it's probably cold by now.

1:02 PM

Blogger megan said...

I know... grading is going to be difficult because I want them all to be little geniuses! (geniusi?)
But I could also see this as an opportunity to seek subtle but exact revenge on all the kinds of students I never liked in my undergrad because of their slacking and laissez-fairedness... I think I will be one of those deceptively nice teachers who is quick with the red pen! look out!

10:35 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please don't use red pen!

12:39 AM

Blogger megan said...

ha, deal. if there's one thing blackmore taught me, it's that purple is perfect! also... green is keen!

6:27 PM


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