The twenty-somethings of today are tomorrow's eccentric Cat Ladies!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

S'il vous plait PAS!

Okay, well, I figure that since Jen has declared a brief blogging hiatus while she fills her brain with doctor facts it's a good time for me to pick up the gauntlet again! It has been a wild couple of weeks and I have only sticky notes and bits of string to thank for helping me remember the big roaring details of life right now - details like Jordan's wedding (this weekend!) and moving to Montreal in.... nineteen days! I cannot be expected to remember anything else, including my own name, apparently. This morning at the bookstore I was on the phone with a customer who asked my name and I drew a complete blank. It was a momentary blip, the phone hot between cheek& shoulder, curling my fingers into anxious fists and thinking, oh my gosh, what is my name? I recovered after a bit of fumbling and afterwards checked that I still had feeling in all my fingers & toes and my pupils were not unusually big or something. Everything seems under control but now I'm thinking that if I get through the next few days without a major system crash behind my eyeballs it will be a miracle.

there are many things that should be said but the one that most shouldest be said is
that this weekend was a ridiculously fun ROAD TRIP with my two ridiculously fun friends, Jen & Mark! WHOOOOO ROAD TRIP CITY! We burned a path to Montreal, where we camped out in my empty apartment, found Kevin, drank cheap wine, and walked about ten thousand glorious French miles through the city. I've said it about two million times, and I'll say it again: I CAN'T BELIEVE I'M GOING TO LIVE THERE! I've never lived anywhere cool enough to attract tourists, have a bongo park, sell croissants on every corner, and play hot music long into the night/morning. I can't foresee getting any work done there, but I expect such marginal details will get shuffled into the mix somehow. I also can't foresee walking a city block in less than fifteen minutes because of all the cats lying around to be petted! Seriously... Montreal has cats on the sidewalk the way London has baking earthworms. I don't know if Tycho will become an indoor/outdoor or not (I live pretty close to Sherbrooke St, which is high traffic, which is potential kitty doom, which is definite Megan doom) (I remembered my name again!!!), but the rest of Montreal seems to have no problem releasing their kitties to the world. A wee taste of the friendly felines we saw during our travels this weekend:

Lots of quality time was spent in the ol' Love Apartment Jr., which, thanks to Jen's skills with a broom and dust pan (and Mark's skills with sniffing out local poutine places for breakfast) is ready for The Big Move. Kevin came to join us for some apartment shenanigans and a wee night on the town (Montreal nightlife = incredible) and on Sunday the four of us stuffed ourselves with croissants and then stuffed ourselves into Mark's car for the trip home. Now Montreal is a very real, very persistent pulse under my skin, and the empty boxes I've smuggled out of the bookstore for packing are starting to pile up in my London digs. T-bot is starting to catch on, I think. He's got the jitters about such a big change. He's digging his nails into everything even more than he used to - upholstery, clothes, my skin - anything he can hang on to, as though clinging to this London life we've created together. I think that once he gets there, though, he'll love it as much as me... especially because there are so many cool places in Love Apartment Jr. for him to hang out!

The end! I'll be back soon, I promise!


Blogger Jen said...

You need to email me a photo-quality file of the one of us in your apartment window!!!

Awedsome post by the way - I'm going to snag it for my blog :D

And holy wow - the one pic of me sitting on the stoop? My (cr)ass is getting HUGE! No more poutine/croissants for me! (I wonder if a poutine croissant would be good?)

11:28 PM


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