The twenty-somethings of today are tomorrow's eccentric Cat Ladies!

Monday, July 17, 2006

Captain Crunchmegan

There is a new hotspot in Toronto that is calling my name! And Jen's name! And Mark's name too! Seriously, my Terrific Toronto Twosome, I am coming to visit you just so we can go hang out there. Are you doing anything two Fridays from now? Imagine the potential! Tucan Sam and Tony the Tiger together at last! Chocolate milk and Raisin Bran! Smarties sprinkled over Cinnamon Toast Crunch!

All that place needs in a TV playing constant Saturday morning cartoons and it would be near heaven. I hope Montreal catches on to the trend!

This would be a better post, but... I have to go back to work.
Speaking of work, I am now in an podcast! Go here and listen! It's the beginning of my Plan B career... script writing. Thoughts?

Wednesday, July 12, 2006


Tycho vs. The Army Man, round one...

it's been a long blogger hiatus but I think I'm feeling good enough to get back on the rails. I only decided this today when I got one of those blogspot traffic reports and was amazed to see that some anonymous people are still checking this place once in a while! Here is what I think: come Montreal there might be the need for a Megan website overhaul (maybe I will meet some techies? wait, not likely... my group will probably prefer reading Joyce to Java.... I don't even know what Java is except that some poor computer type probably came up with the name thinking it made his whole vocation cooler, when really a bit of sunshine and a shopping spree would have done the trick)... but until then, I'll keep posting pictures of Tycho and company, because I do have about 300,000,000 of them, after all.

I tried to find a replacement for the little black plastic spider that Tycho loved so much... none could be found, but now T is the commanding officer (and, paradoxically, sworn enemy) of an army of 200 acrobatically gifted toy soldiers from Dollarama. They are all over my apartment now and have many sharp little bits so if you come to visit I recommend wearing shoes!