The twenty-somethings of today are tomorrow's eccentric Cat Ladies!

Friday, April 07, 2006

Well folks, it's been real.

Last night = the MIT grad party at the Thorny Devil, and it was a devil of a night. I'm so glad I was intimidated into going by this dude:

See? He's even shaking his fist! You don't say no to that kind of pressure. And it turned out to be a most fantabulous night, edging into the early hours of the morning, necessitating some rude roommate wake-up calls when we poured back into Woodward to top it all off with pizza and slurred name-calling...

BUT first, the night! There was laughter...

There were tears....

There was wild, hip-thrusting dancing...

There was duct tape...

There was even an impromptu lesson on how to tie a tie! All of our MIT knowledge came to a head. Our university has taught us well.

There was a Blackmore...

And a whole lotta shmoozing...

There was, of course, a megan and a derek... I think this picture pretty much sums up our friendship (my drunken displays of affection, his look of amusement/disgust)

I even leant him out to other people for photo shoots! Look, Laura even got him to smile in this one! I know, I can't believe it either.

MIT has been quite a ride... I can't decide exactly how I feel about it being basically over (except for stupid comic book class!)... it was strange, this whole "grad party" thing, meeting people I've had classes with for years but had never actually talked to, everyone feeling the pressure of the end, the "This Is The Very Last Time That..." kind of pressure... but I'm really glad someone organized it and all. it would have felt weird to wrap up that whole half of my degree with just the wheeze of a slowly-deflating balloon instead of the bang of a million firecrackers!

As evident in my fumbling metaphors, I need a nap. After a 4am bedtime I managed to turn up at the bookstore at noon for a fundraiser sort of event involving an electric razor and gord's head... pictures to follow. Tycho and I are both zombies today. It's funny how his whole schedule can get thrown off by our shenanigans... we obviously kept him awake last night when we got back from the party, and this morning, instead of poking me in the head at the crack of dawn until I got up to feed him, he slept like a log all smushed up against me in the blankets. When I nudged him awake he sort of tumbled down into his own little bed ont he floor and just sat there hanging his head and blinking... it was the cutest thing in the world.... now he's all bundled up in my duvet and I can hear him doing his usual sleep-whistle through his nose. Time for me to go join him for a power nap!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

is that ERIC HRIVNAK???!

1:51 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh dancing fool.

A night for the books, or at least the blogs.

Booze, the social lubricator.

4:02 AM

Blogger megan said...

no no D, definitely the books. I've already started a tome called "The Night MIT Finally Delivered," or, "What I Learned From [the jerks in] MIT"

yes! that is Hrivnak himself! I have about fifty bazillion pictures of him doing up his tie, available by request!

8:55 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

omg! hrivnak went to my high school! i had completely forgotten that he was here.

8:55 AM


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