The twenty-somethings of today are tomorrow's eccentric Cat Ladies!

Friday, September 29, 2006

Bon Cop, Hot Cop

Saw Bon Cop Bad Cop tonight, which was excessively funny (though also excessively violent)... the funny-ness was enhanced by the company I had: several giggly quebeckers, and a couple of equally giggly Ontario farm girls. Favourite scene: I can only whittle it down to two... one is Rick Mercer playing a Don Cherry-esque hockey commentator, who eventually knuckles Patrick Huard in the most comical fight scene I've ever watched... the second is Colm Feore doing an impression of the I'm-high-and-pretending-not-to-be shtick. And there is something surreal about seeing a hard-core high-budget action movie with a blatantly Montreal (or Toronto) setting! And, some news: no one can make the Anglophone-speaking-French thing look as classy as Colm Feore (to whom I feel like I have a personal connection, if only because I think a fleck of his spit once landed on me in Stratford).

Of course, the whole movie was destined to be good because it followed a preview starring Clive Owen, which needless to say put me in a happy mood!

In other news, I think I'm getting over the cursed Bug of the Metro now... I'm down to only one box of kleenex a day! heh... but seriously... I was réfléchiring a bit (I am starting to think in french words! and there is no satisfying translation for "réfléchir"! I will go with... reflecting)... so I was reflecting a bit... and it seems to me that something or other in my immune system goes haywire at every jarring new life situation I go through. Example: when I went to Riviere-du-Loup for a French course, I somehow lost my voice to VIA and spent the first week whispering to people! When I started my undergrad, I got strep throat! When I went to Humber for the writing course, my eye got all infected! And now this! I think it's some sort of built-in mechanism for finding out, right from the beginning, who my real friends are going to be. It's some kind of evolutionary sidestep of the whole fake-social problem. Weed out the superficial ones right away, recognize the ones who are going to truly be sickness-or-health with you. So really, all of this blech-ing just means that I'm hyper-evolved! Unfortunately it also means that I feel ready for bed by about 7pm each day, so this has been a long one for me. Tomorrow I volunteered to bake brownies for a coffee talk that's happening at school, then there's a soirée (supposedly with faculty, though we'll see) which apparently begins right after the coffee talk (which, itself, begins at 1pm). I don't know how a) I will be able to afford such festivities and b) I will be able to stay awake for such festivities, but I have faith. After all, I'm hyper-evolved!


Blogger Jen said...

It probably has something to do with entering a new environment and thus a different pool of germs... but hey, maybe it is your genetic superiority.

4:49 PM

Blogger megan said...

mmmm "pool of germs"... yum

7:05 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

monsters in videogames...conference paper...hmmm...

11:24 PM

Blogger megan said...


11:41 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Homesickness. It came to me at some point yesterday: we call it "avoir le mal du pays".

7:13 PM

Blogger megan said...

mal du pays...

Leonard Cohen: "There's a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in."

why can't I remember poignant quotations like that when the moment requires it?

oh yeah. beer.

8:12 PM


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