It's Christmas day, whoooeee-boy! I am amusing myself with bloggish endeavors beside the Christmas tree, having drifted away from the feast preparations going on in the kitchen - I can handle cutting up the bread chunks for stuffing, but when it comes to the act of stuffing itself, I'd rather be scarce. I realize that possible future situations (trying to win a dare...trying to be a wife...) might require me to stuff bread chunks up a chicken's wazoo, but for now I'll pass off the task to the more experienced members of the family (like my mom, currently mixing a whiskey and soda as she prepares for the task - see? she has stuffed countless chickens over the years, and still requires liquid courage for the job! Not easy!).
Many men claim carving is a chore they would rather forego. However, when a man is adept at it he delights in displaying his skill [side note: not limited to turkey carving]. A little practice following these 6 easy steps will turn a "hacker" into a "carver".
Bronwyn and Adam are currently off at the Brock Christmas shindig while mom and I are home studying up on how to be carvers (in the inconvenient absence of a man). B & A should get back in the next couple of hours, when the Christmas gift-opening goodness will resume (having already begun this morning with the opening of the stockings - or rather, last night, with the opening of the traditional pajama presents). Last night we arrived perfectly late for the Christmas Eve service at A & B's church - in time for singing carols and watching excited little kids squirm in their seats, but late enough that the whole things was satisfyingly brief and we were back home with our Bailey's, homemade pizza, and A Christmas Story lickety-split. Right now I am so full of honeycomb and Corn Pops (also tradition) that I think I might bust. Mom and I have already managed to pop over to her apartment down the street where Tycho is staying. He was studiously listening to the Queen's message but was easily distracted by the Christmas presents we brought for him - a catnip lizard and laser beam toy (in the hope of tricking him into exercising). Tycho survived his trip here on the train from Montreal, and was quite pleased to be met at Union station by his uncle Adam and dear friends Jen & Mark. Poor little dude! Now he is safe and sound, tucked in with my mom, where the two of them are steadily spoiling each other - mom gets up at the crack of dawn to feed him (something that he longs for - but never gets - at home in Montreal), and in return he keeps her bed warm at night and her nativity scene fur-covered and kicked all over the place in the day. A perfect relationship!
T ready for the train:
And, arrived:
Happy Christmas, to those of you into that sort of thing... and Happy Snowflake Day to the rest of you!
[warning: this video is potentially offensive and most definitely full of CH antics! It is meant for harmless entertainment only!] [Nork!!!]
Definitely read the title as "Christ-massage" and wondered how that would work. Also, I am similarly ambivalent about Loki's quickly settling in here at my parents'--his new preferred lap is my sister's.
Merry Christmas, Megs!
12:23 PM
Hey p-dot! I know... cats can be little devils when it comes to indiscriminate affection... those stories of cats being snobs are total lies!
Merry Christmas to you, too! And happy new year!
6:55 PM
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