The twenty-somethings of today are tomorrow's eccentric Cat Ladies!

Saturday, November 25, 2006

white & bright!

I went to the dentist yesterday, a small triumph in my world (especially because the doctor said she could tell that I floss!)... but got a stern talking-to about the vigor of my brushing sessions. Apparently I'm too much of an elbow-greaser when it comes to my pearlies... I always applied the same principle to my teeth as I do to my frying pans: the harder you scrub, the cleaner they'll be! Apparently I need to amend that to "the harder you scrub, the more they'll disappear." Gentless in tooth brushing does not come to me naturally, though! If I don't pay attention while I do it, I usually end up getting absorbed by something else (like Tycho's shenanigans) while my brush gets all mashed to heck between my teeth. That's probably why I have to replace my brush every two weeks or so. Not any more though! Gentleness from hereon in to save my teeth and my dental budget!!!

(after the dentist I saw "Stranger Than Fiction," which was SO GOOD, even if it didn't make sense one little bit... and there was a lot of tooth brushing in it! I was like, "No, Will Ferrell, no! It's supposed to be up and down, not side to side!")


Blogger Unknown said...

That is hilarious. I know what you mean. I usually just drift away when I brush my teeth. It is like the practice of meditation in that you are supposed to give attention to the breath and in this case it is brushing the teeth. In this care free world of over access to stimulation we now need mechanical tooth brushes that light up to keep up interested enough to do the basic things in life. We are slaves to our own demise. Wow.


9:53 PM


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